gospel light youth ministries

7th-12th grade

One of the most common things asked about in churches today is, "Do you have a youth group?" Most of the time, you will find the answer to be "yes", but very few may understand their purposes behind having a youth group. So the question is, "Why does Gospel Light Baptist Church have a youth group?" There are 3 purposes as to why we at Gospel Light Baptist Church have a youth group.

Number 1: Support Family (II John verses 1-3)

Our desire is to build our young people here at Gospel Light Baptist Church in hopes to build a stronger, more supported family. In our day and age we live in, the devil desires to destroy our homes. We desire to build them up, so that when the next generation comes along, they are ready and equipped to have a home themselves that is centered around the Word of God.

Number 2: Spiritual Focus (II John verses 4-6)

Another desire we have at Gospel Light Baptist Church is to have an environment for our youth that is spiritually focused. The true reward for us as a church is to see that our young people grow up to love the Lord and to walk in truth. In order for that goal to be achieved, we strive to create an enviroment on Sunday mornings for Sunday School and Wednesday night for Youth Service that will allow the teens to have a spiritual focus.

Number 3: Strong Foundation (II John verses 7-8)

The last thing we desire for our young people is to have a spiritual strong foundation. There are too many stories of young people who grew up in church and were on fire for the Lord, but lacked a strong foundation. As a result, they "collapsed" spiritually speaking and some have never darkened a church door since. We want to equip our young people with doctrine, Biblical principles, and truths plainly laid out in Scripture to, lead them to Christ, disciple them, and encourage them to live for the Lord. 

Please pray for Gospel Light Baptist Church Youth Ministries that it will continue to fulfill its purpose for the cause of Christ. 

Pastor: Tyler Scott